Big Question no. 7: Most Eligable Library Staffer

Our last interview subject, Diane Walker, received a marriage proposal from a
stranger while working at her college library.  Heather the interviewer also received a
proposal from a stranger while working in a library.  Has that kind of thing
happened to you or library staff you know?

By the way – posts, post ideas, and interview subject suggestions are always welcome!  See your name in lights… well, pixels.

6 thoughts on “Big Question no. 7: Most Eligable Library Staffer

  1. I’ll start us off! Last Saturday during a seminar that I was giving, two women indicated that they would love to take my co-worker home with them! They were very disappointed to know that he is married.

    And after a computer class, one of my students offered to marry me so that I could be his at home computer support.

  2. I’ve been asked out for dates. And I’ve heard that there are quite a few female students who have taken an interest in a male coworker on the reference desk.

  3. I got asked out while working the ref desk once. It wasn’t until later that I realized I was supposed to say ‘no’… 😉

  4. The young man sat on the desk, lifted his guitar and started to sing to me. I took his hand and quietly said:”You can’t do that in here!” It started and ended here.

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