Phil the Web Crawler – Switch off do nothing, print is here to stay, print book sales drop, and nutritious eBooks with your groceries.

Photo on 12-03-17 at 7.44 AM #2– EOS International announced that they will exhibit at this year’s Ontario Library Association Super Conference in 2013.

– When do we take time anymore just to do nothing? Realtime & the off switch.

– Print book sales fell in 2012 – but no faster than they did in 2011, says Nielsen.

– ‘Print is Here to Stay’: a WSJ article spreads like wildfire.

– Kindle Touch gets Paperwhite-like reading features with software update.

– Ten Bold Predictions for Ebooks and Digital Publishing in 2013.

– Publication of a book on Scientology is cancelled in the UK after legal threats.

– Paragraph launches an aggregated lit mag for the iPad age.

– Shop for ebooks at the grocery store, with new txtr/ReaderLink partnership.